Jordan Peterson: incels & feminism

The wall decorator

This is Part 2 of Jordan Peterson: An overview originally published May 27.

When he says enforced monogamy, JP isn’t necessarily referring to the waifus advocated by incels (see below). More, enforced by societal norms that encourage lifetime pair bonding (such as no sex before marriage) and societal norms which support monogamy and protect or mandate against its demise (such as legally preventing divorce), or as he put it ‘social convention favoring stable pair bonding’ (shaming single women but not single men, and allowing rape during marriage in the 1980s are some conventions he might be otherwise referencing

He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.”

This seems to endorse the ‘feminist’ idea that marriage is an institution that is designed to control the sexuality of women.

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Steve says that he was a feminist supporter as a child from his radical feminist mother,but he ended up rejecting feminism and anything considered ”feminine” and instead identified with his father and ”masculinity” in order to be one of the guys,which is so common and refers to himself as a recovering misogynist,meaning woman-hater.

He became a radical feminist years after his mother died of colon cancer in her 40’s when he was 19. He says how pornography,strip shows and prostitutes,both reflect and sustain the misogyny on which they are based.
In this 2001 article he says that was recovering from colon cancer and I emailed him in 2002,and he was nice enough to write me back a very nice letter,and he said that agrees with most of what I said about pornography and the Mars and Venus myths about women and men.He told me that he had a relapse of the colon cancer and was getting treatment for it in Montana,but sadly he died a year later at only the age of 42.And so disgustingly,unjustly,woman-hating pornographer Hugh Hefner lived to be 91!


Some of the women on Gender_Critical,and Gender Critical Reddit,are so stupid,that they actually thought I might be a bot because I  posted a lot of posts, a lot of great important posts  to help their cause from neuroscientist Dr.Lise Eliot who has articles and a great youtube presentation called,The Myth Of Brain Sex, and I posted a lot of great psychological academic research studies,debunking gender myths and gender stereotypes and how differently girls and boys are perceived,treated,and socially conditioned from birth on all of the things that they often discuss ,and on how the sexes have been found to be psychologically more alike than different with really small average differences found between them,many of which have shrunk even smaller over decades,and that most large differences found are actually between individual people.




Months before they unjustly blocked me on Gender_Critical ( and it’s really their big loss) I communicated with several members,one stupidly in an uncaring way said to me that  I  really should take my home address off of my blog,debunking Common Sexist Myths Of Gender because some transgender people can be dangerous, I  posted back that this address isn’t my home address,far from it,and that’s the wordpress address. One of the moderators asked me if  I could post my posts all in one topic,instead of many separate ones,so I said OK  I”ll try to do that but I often posted articles or youtube videos directly from the sites,so they got entered as new topics.


And also another member said that she thought the psychological research I  posted on  the psychology of  gender was really interesting and that she really likes the subject of the psychology of gender.


Another member said that it’s not good to promote transwoman kate Bornstein because I had posted that she’s one of the rare transgender people who debunks a lot of gender myths and gender stereotypes,and this member said back to me that Kate is still a member of the transcult so I said it again about Kate.


Another member who was really nice,said what I said about communication professor Deborah Cameron saying in her very good book,The Myth Of Mars And Venus,that even though a lot of men and women are now getting a lot of the same education,doing the same jobs and having a lot of the same interests,they still want to believe that deep in our brains and minds,they’re still fundamentally different,because changes in gender roles are threatening,and this nice member said that’s so true,and she thanked me for letting her know about the book,and that she was going to look into getting it and I thanked her for her nice response.


And then a month or a few months later, I posted in a topic that another member made about why is neuro-racism not OK but neuro-sexism is,and a member said that she almost could believe in brain sex because the sexes bodies are so wildly different and  I said they’re not wildly different  I  posted information about how the sexes are more alike than different biologically,  I  pointed out that not only are our brains more similar than different,but the clitoris,penis,female vulva,male scrotum,and even the ovaries and testicles are from the same exact tissue formed in the womb,and that we all have the same hormones just in different degrees,and how men have nipples like women,and have the same breast tissue that is responsive to estrogen,and that if for some reason a man’s testosterone level decreases, the small amount of estrogen(men have progestrone too) can cause them to get full breasts ready for a bra,and it’s condition called gynecomastia.


So she posts back that she thinks it’s really weird that I can’t see that women are oppressed because of their biology,and said such a stupid thing,that so a toenail and a brain come from the same tissue too,but it doesn’t say anything about the similarities and differences between the sexes. I  posted back that is a ridiculous analogy because a toenail and a brain do not come from any of the same tissue and are nothing alike.


So I posted this back,


Also,these *minor* biological reproductive differences *are* really trivial,and they would,should and could be recognized as such if we didn’t still all live in such a very sexist,very gender stereotyped,woman-hating,male dominated society that is so constantly obsessed with making the sexes into these artificial ”opposite” ”feminine” and ”masculine” categories and definitions! and the world would be a much better place if this was recognized,and if it wasn’t like this, especially for women if men aren’t taught to be nothing like girls and women and to see them as an alien species and ”opposite” from themselves and that’s why they oppress women.
As the brilliant,beautiful inside and out,feminist Gloria Steinem wrote in her 1972 Ms.Magazine article that is included in her excellent 1983 best selling book,Outrageous Acts And Everyday Rebellions,Gloria wrote,that at first her discoveries seemed personal,and that in fact they were the same ones so many millions of women have made and are continuing to make.
Gloria then said greatly simplified they go like this,women are human beings first with minor differences from men that apply largely to the single act of reproduction.She then said,we share the dreams,capabilities,and weaknesses of all human beings,but our occasional pregnancies and other visible differences have been used even more pervasively,if less brutally,than racial differences have been used to create an ”inferior” group and an elaborate division of labor.Gloria then said that the division is continued for a clear if often unconscious reason:the economic and social profit of males as a group.
Gloria then said that once this feminist realization dawned,she reacted in what turned out to be predictable ways and that first she was amazed at the simplicity and obviousness of a realization that made sense at last of her life experience and that she couldn’t figure out why she hadn’t seen it before.  Gloria said that second,she realized how far that new vision of life was from the system around us,and how tough it would be to explain this feminist realization at all,much
to accept so drastic a change.




Also months back on the Gender Critical Reddit, a member had posted that women in pornography get payed more than the men,and I posted but that is itself coming from sexisim and woman-hatred,because the only ”jobs” that women get payed more than men,are prostitution,stripping,modeling and pornography. But when they are accountants,lawyers,and doctors etc,with the same experience and education,they get payed 70 cents for a man in the same professions compared to every dollar a man makes,so it’s only when women’s bodies are used to sexually service men’s penises are they payed the most.So another member posted back to me and said this is so true,and she said some other things about it that I don’t remember and I thanked her for responding.


And yet I was unjustly blocked on the Gender_Critical Redditt,and when I asked why on the Gender Critical Reddit, and that I tried to post on a different gender critical blog,but my posts say they are waiting moderation,but most don’t get posted,and then when I tried to post again,nothing happens on the screen,it doesn’t even say my posts are waiting moderation,only a few of my posts ever were posted over a two year period.The woman who runs this other blog,told a poster that she was blocked,and it was for really no good reason,the poster said something that showed that she didn’t totally agree or understand something that the woman who runs this blog says.



I  had said on Gender Critical that I am trying to post a lot of great strong research studies and information that helps your case debunking these common sexist gender myths and gender stereotypes,and I really care about these issues,and it hurts to not have my information appreciated and posted.



So days later  I  saw  one member answers me back  and very unfairly ludicrously claimed that I was blocked on a different gender critical blog because I was spamming weird things,and  I *never* tried to post *anything* wierd at all,and she wouldn’t know what I tried to post because it wasn’t posted,and she said that I was blocked on Gender_Critical because I didn’t answer the question if I was a bot or not.


Another member so unjustly,ludicrously,cruelly and stupidly says to me,that I’m either a bot or a weirdo but she’s still reading my posts.If she had really read my posts,she would have seen that I’m neither, or she’s just an idiot! I then saw that I had given a short explanation  days before that  I care a lot about these issues,and  I  posted a lot of great information to help you with your case,but they unbelievably said this to me anyway and it’s just really crazy and makes no sense.And I told them that they owe me a big feminist apology.


I also had posted a lot of great,strong research studies on the harms of pornography and it’s strong connections and causes of boys and men’s violence against girls and women, including recent ones and the article by pro-feminist gender studies,sociology professor Dr.Michael Flood,and the recent video interview with Dr.Gail Dines interviewed by a progressive young guy,and I also posted the videos by one time long time pornography users now radical feminist anti-pornography activist Michael Lovan, on how harmful,sexist,violent,racist and woman-hating pornography really is etc.


In February  2015 I posted a lot of important information on feminist anti-violence activist Melinda Tankard Reist’s site about the harms of the horrible sadistic,violent,woman-hating disturbingly so popular Fifty Shades of Grey series in the comments to a great important article by Melinda called,Sadistic Abuse Is Not Romantic and  after  I  posted  8  posts, Melinda posted to me, ”Thanks for all of the brilliant research you’ve shared here Randie. I’m going to have to take a few days off to go through it all! Really appreciate it.”


So I said you’re  very welcome and I thanked her for appreciating it and I told her I have tons more important information  and  I  posted  a ton more and she approved almost every one of my posts.


And I can honestly say that I have never experienced anything like this before, I used to post on the once active radical feminist site  I  Blame The Patriarchy run by Twisty Faster who approved many of my posts over the years,she doesn’t post on it anymore though.And back in 2005 one of the members posted to me in the comments that she really liked my posts,and that they are very interesting.



I  once asked my my first cousin who is  intelligent,pretty,kind,caring and charming,and who used to be an accountant,and she co-founded a job head hunting business many years ago and she still has this successful career,if she ever had people that she met once or twice and didn’t even know her be horrible to her,including women,and she said oh I’ve had people hate me for no rational reason,who didn’t really know me.And she said one thing she learned a long time ago,is that you can never really figure out people and you could go crazy trying.And she is *so right*!










Very disturbingly there are some members on what is supposed to be a radical feminist gender critical blog,Gender Critical Reddit ,there are a few members that I have seen posts from that aren’t that against pornography and BDSM!


On the topic about popular sex educator  Laci Green I and another member mentioned that she’s pro=pornography and BDSM  and I said she’s never been a true feminist,but a fake hypocrite,and one of the members actually asked another member RadFHarva, what’s wrong with BDSM and pornography and she said to her are you serious? And the member said yes,she really wants to know,so she explained what’s wrong and harmful about it,although not enough,and then the member said OH OK.The posts were removed unfortunately so i can’t include the link although  all of the other posts are still there.


And when  I  posted as a topic, A Meta-Analysis Of Pornography Consumption And Actual Acts of Sexual Aggression In General Population Studies by Paul J.Wright,Robert S.Tokunaga and Ashley Kraus  I  got 24 upvotes so far,but disturbingly,incomprehensibly a member on the same Gender Critical site which is supposed to be radical feminists but they aren’t,some are very strange fake idiot as*h*les, a member actually asked me if i though there was anything counterintuitive in this study and why do I have an anti-porn interest!



















I often find myself clicking on the Buzzfeed-type articles with lists of books. Anything about books in a list format immediately draws my eye.

Excellent important article  Parental Influence On Children’s Socialization To Gender Roles by Susan D.Witt University of Akron  School Of Home Economics And Family Ecology  Adolescence Summer 1997

Excellent important article
Parental Influence On Children’s Socialization To Gender Roles by Susan D.Witt
University of Akron
School Of Home Economics And Family Ecology
Adolescence Summer 1997